Felipe Guzmán, optoelectronic assistant SEE, presented investigation advances in OSA congress

Felipe Guzmán, Electronic Civil Engineer and student of the Master’s program in
Engineering Sciences, en Ciencias, mention in Electrical Engineering of the School of
Electrical Engineering (SEE) of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
(PUCV), presented a progress of his work as a laboratory assistant of the
optoelectronics School at the Optical Society of America’s (OSA) Applied Optics and
Imaging congress, held online June 22-26, 2020.

The work in question corresponds to Compressive Rolling Shutter Array, simulations
that Guzmán has been carrying out in the framework of his master’s thesis, and which
consists of an arrangement of four cameras that, using the same sensor, can make a
video recovery, which he presented on the June 24.

The compressive sensing

“There are many ways to make images and how to make then in a better way. One of
them is through compressive sensing”, commented Guzmán.

According to the compression theory, it is postulated that the signals that come from
nature are compressible, that they can be represented with less amount of information
and they can be measurable. A more common example of this we see it in the
transformation of an image to .JPG format, which, while compressing the image,
generates artifacts that reduce the quality.

The compressive sensing goes further, searching to measure the already compressed
signal. This change allows us to try to see how to decompress knowing how the object
is already compressed. The advantages and applications of itself, can be applied in
many types of cameras, in areas such as astronomy or biotechnology, for example.

Guzmán hopes to complete the work from here to September, with the experimental
results done, so he can be able to present it and apply for the master’s degree. In
addition, he concluded by expressing his interest in studying the recently opened
Doctorate program in Electrical Engineering of the SEE.