Postgraduate students and researchers from Optolab PUCV around the world
The United States, France, and Colombia are the main destinations to which five members of Optolab were invited to conduct research stays during 2023.
The United States, France, and Colombia are the main destinations to which five members of Optolab were invited to conduct research stays during 2023.
Nelson Díaz, a postdoctoral researcher at Optolab, will be in Colombia from October 2023 until December 15th, conducting a research internship at the Industrial University of Santander (UIS).
Nicolás Hernández, a member of Optolab, traveled to France in 2023 to work at the Laboratory of Astrophysics of Marseille (LAM) alongside Jorge Tapia, a postdoctoral researcher.
Nelson Díaz, a postdoctoral researcher at Optolab, completed a research internship during his time in Canada, allowing him to start working on a new project with Dr. Jinyang Liang.
Dr. Esteban Vera delivered a keynote lecture, and the team also participated in the conference, showcasing 7 experiments and 5 telescopes to the Santo Domingo community. We attended the 2023…