Optolab PUCV Wins FONDEQUIP Major 2024
Our Optoelectronics Laboratory has secured, for the first time in PUCV’s history, a FONDEQUIP Major, which provides almost one million dollars for the acquisition of scientific and technological equipment.
Our Optoelectronics Laboratory has secured, for the first time in PUCV’s history, a FONDEQUIP Major, which provides almost one million dollars for the acquisition of scientific and technological equipment.
Camilo Weinberger has been part of our Optoelectronics Lab since 2019. He was a member of the first cohort of the PhD program at the School of Electrical Engineering (EIE) at PUCV and is the second to obtain his degree from Optolab.
This publication involves the use of neural networks to enhance the adaptive optics system in giant telescopes. The proposed idea will be tested on a telescope in France.
Felipe Guzmán has been a part of our Optoelectronics Laboratory since 2017 and is the first PUCV PhD in Electrical Engineering program graduate from Optolab.
Five researchers from our PUCV Optoelectronics Laboratory presented their work at the SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation conference held in Yokohama, Japan.