Between June, 25th and 30th the conference AO4ELT 7 took place in Avignon, France. Optolab traveled all the way from Chile to be present in the 7th Edition of the Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes.
In this event experts from all over the world get together to argue and review the latest advances in topics related to adaptive optics, one of the biggest challenges that the new generation of Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs) faces. Two of them will be installed in Chile by 2030.
To picture how huge its dimensions are, the ELT that is being built in Cerro Armazones, Antofagasta, will have a principal mirror that is 39 meters in diameter.
Dr. Esteban Vera, professor of the PUCV’s School of Electrical Engineering and director of Optolab was a part of the conference as a member of the Scientific Organization Committee (SOC), inviting researchers to the conference and reviewing the articles that were sent, also selecting who was going to participate, among other tasks. He did a presentation as well titled “Deep Optics for Wavefront Sensing: Beyond the PWFS”.

Camilo Weinberger, Jorge Tapia, and Nicolás Hernández presenting their research at the conference.
Several Optolab members were there too!
Dr. Jorge Tapia, a postdoctoral researcher from Optolab who has been in the lab since 2021, was at the event giving an oral presentation about his experimentation called “Exploring an event camera-based pyramid wavefront sensor”.
But he was not the only one, Camilo Weinberger a Ph.D. candidate, and Nicolás Hernández a master’s student, exhibited their research in the poster sessions.
Finally, Benjamín González, an undergraduate student who is currently working on his Electronics Engineer thesis was able to attend, getting the opportunity to obtain lots of knowledge that will be very useful for the development of his thesis.
It was an incredible experience for our Lab members who got to know a lot of advanced research that’s being studied all over the world and also got to form networks with scientists who will be very relevant for the possibility of going on internships abroad in the future.
And we have some very exciting news! The 2024 edition of this event is happening in our country, Chile, specifically in Valparaíso. This means we will be the ones in charge of greeting researchers from all over the globe, to find out about their advances in research about applications of adaptive optics for ELT’s.
We will be letting you know about all the details of the organization of this important event through our social media. Make sure to follow us so you don’t miss anything!