The workshop Communications and Observations through Atmospheric Turbulence (COAT) took place in the United Kingdom and we, as PUCVs Optoelectronics Laboratory, were there.
This multidisciplinary workshop happened from March 29th until the 31st, addressing the biggest challenges in free-space optical propagation from astronomy to laser communications.
Dr. Esteban Vera, our director, alongside Vicente Westerhout (PhD student) and Bastián Romero (master student) who are Optolab researchers traveled all the way to the University of Durham, UK representing our lab.

Dr. Esteban Vera was a part of the instance presenting “Improving wavefront sensors through Deep Optics: A case example based on the pyramid wavefront sensor”, that directly connects with the investigations we are developing at Optolab.
The PhD and master students were able to visit the optoelectronics laboratories with the professor Tim Morris at the british University.
Besides that, Vicente Westerhout had the opportunity to share his research work called “Analysis of the atmospheric turbulence effect in event-based cameras for space situational awareness” by presenting a poster.
It was a really great experience for our laboratory members! You can check out our Instagram post about it here.

Event poster.