On Friday, May 5th, Esteban Vera, Professor of the PUCV’s School of Electrical Engineering, presented “Improving and designing wavefront sensors with deep optics” in the Physics Department (DFI by its acronym in Spanish) at Universidad de Chile.
This in the context of a series of seminars, where they invite the most prominent researchers in science to present in the University Campus, Beauchef.
On this occasion we were talking about the evolution of the use of Deep Learning to improve and design wavefront sensors, explaining the solutions that we research from Adaptive Optics in our Optoelectronics Laboratory. Here is the resume of the content of the seminar.
We had a big amount of assistants despite the fact that the students were on rest week, they went to the University either way to attend the conference. We thank DFI for the invitation to this talk.

We were also lucky to encounter the Professor Marcos Díaz, coordinator of the Space and Planetary Exploration Laboratory (SPEL), with whom we have been collaborating on different projects that we are currently developing together. Thanks for having us and telling us about the SUCHAI satellite that has been launched into space.
As Optolab, we are very happy to be able to share and disseminate our work on this spaces, creating bonds with other universities, students and academics that are interested to get to know more about what we study and research in our lab.